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Meet the MonoGame team and get your questions answered
March madness
Meet the MonoGame team and get your questions answered
New year blues
Catch up on what was discussed during our 4th "Open Hours" AMA
Meet the MonoGame team and get your questions answered
New year, new fun
Happy New Year
Catch up on what was discussed during our 3rd "Open Hours" AMA
Meet the MonoGame team and get your questions answered
The MonoGame Foundation "Year in review", what the foundation has been up to since its incorporation.
Catch up on what was discussed during our 2nd "Open Hours" AMA
Meet the MonoGame team and get your questions answered
November crunch
Details about the educational release of Old School Adventure
A short intro video on what to expect in the new 2D startkit project template
Official non profit status
Meet the MonoGame team and get your questions answered
Moving on up
The year in review
Welcome to the MonoGame 3.8.2 release, the first of many from the MonoGame Foundaiton
Time to get this ship moving!
In recognition for his contribution to XNA and MonoGame, we would like to commemorate the passing of Bill Reiss in August, a long time supporter of XNA/MonoGame
So close, you can almost taste it.
Bounties, roadmap and connections.
Short update this month to try and speed up bounty allocation and check progress.
Bounties, Bounties, Bounties, this is the core focus for the team, making big plans and projects for contributors to pick up and enable the Foundation to distribute the funds donated, as well as further accelerating documentation and samples.
The team are picking up steam on delivering on our new years purpose to both expand MonoGame's base platform support as well as heavily investing in updating and renewing documentation and samples. Suffice to say, We hear you (and agree). We are pushing as hard as we can to get more to you as soon as we are able, as well as enabling community members to contribute and get their own names in the MonoGame hall of fame (tbc).
The kick-off for 2024 has spurred new energy into the team, with a renewed focus on making the most use of the funds we have been donated by all parties involved, ensuring that spends are both sustainable and responsible. Acknowledging all the hard work thus far, the team are reassured by the community feedback on the progress so far and the demand to deliver more.
Several new changes have been made to the website in this proof of concept by changing to 11ty to allow for a more proper website design than the restrictions in place when using DocFX. In this post, I'd like to go over these changes with you and, hopefully, get some feedback from community members
This has been a heavy week for discussions, debates and some real outcomes that will directly benefit all MonoGame Developers. The foundation has really listened to the community and driven the key priorities needed to move MonoGame forward in the immediate future, with definitive roadmap for ongoing development
The second MonoGame Foundation meeting was a great success, getting accounts, funding and the general organization structure defined, as well as outlining the immediate plans for MonoGame improvement.
The first official MonoGame Foundation meeting was a great success, setting out the core principles under which the foundation will be run.